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Jeremy Platt



How long have you been cooking?

I really started cooking when I was in Jr. high when my parents divorced. I quickly found out that cooking was my outlet where I can let everything go and be at peace. When I graduated college I purchased my first smoker. Since then I have mastered Smoke and Fire and have even started my own catering company with my wife. My goal is one day Platt Daddy will be a name everyone recognizes and one day will become a familiar face in the BBQ world.

How did you get interested or introduced to cooking?

Guess I got ahead of myself on the last question. As I stated previously, it’s almost like cooking found me. Cooking was somewhere I could forget about the little things and be focused.

What is your best food memory? 

My best food memory would be the first BBQ competition I ever entered. Not expecting much, as I was just the little guy competing against seasoned veterans, I was overwhelmingly surprised when I took second in ribs. The following year, I took first place in that same competition.

What is your favorite PS Product and why? 

My favorite spice blends that I have tried so far are “The Back Yard” better burger as well as “Cock-A-Doodle BREW”. Why? Because I appreciate versatility and balanced flavors. Often when trying different spice blends I have a difficult time finding one that is well balanced. With these two blends I am able to used them on almost anything. Chicken? Steak? Eggs? You name it and I’m sure these two will help you take your meal to the next level.

What would you want to have as your last meal?

If I had to pick my last meal, I’d have to choose a nice 12oz ribeye. Lightly seasoned and seared in a cast iron to a beautiful medium rare!!!

What dish/meal do you make on repeat?

A dish that I often make in repeat are ribs.  There a few others things I enjoy to cook more but my wife loves my BBQ ribs and you know what they say? Happy wife, happy life!!!

"I appreciate versatility and balanced flavors. Often when trying different spice blends I have a difficult time finding one that is well balanced."

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